Thursday, September 23, 2010

wrong castle...

This is what happens when you start whistling the mario theme all day!

… and below are a bunch of trailer studies. Some recent, some old, but since Andrew Domachowski's been putting out so many sweet studies, I thought I'd share as well. Kudos to those that guess what films!


Piya said...

Your paintings are just amazing. I have to say, I like the idea of painting from film stills. I've never done it before; I really should give it a try.

Also, I just wanted to say thanks again for your comments. It's really inspiring when it comes from someone who's done such great work as you, Mike.

Ramiel said...

I can recognize Tron legacy, District 9 and Sucker Punch, but I can't make it the other one...
All of them re great of course, I think I'm repeating myself here, but it's true! ;)

Arlene John-Chuan said...

Why are you so good? These are great! I have nothing else to say except...GAH!

Joe Gloria said...

Your Mario Bros concept is better than game!!!

Arf, just recognized District 9 :(
Bad score...